What would be the impact on kayaking?

The area of the Waitaha River that would be most impacted by the Waitaha Hydro Project would be the 2.6 kilometre stretch between the intake and the powerhouse, including the Morgan Gorge.

The Morgan Gorge has until now been traversed by very few kayakers due to the danger and challenging nature of the gorge – steep runs, fast flowing water, the gorge is ranked grade five plus. The Department of Conservation staff assessment of recreational impacts of the scheme accepted Westpower’s estimate that in the 13 years from 2002-2015, no more than seven attempts (successful or otherwise) have been made on the Morgan Gorge, and the first successful run of the gorge took place in 2010. Assuming somewhere between 100-200 kayakers use the Waitaha River for recreation over a two year period (based on DOC’s estimate of 50-100 per year), then perhaps one attempt at the gorge is made every two years.

In light of this level of use, Westpower is proposing about four “no take” days per year, or eight days every two years, where water levels would run at pre-project levels. These days would be confirmed by arrangement between a kayaking party and Westpower.